Choo choo cheese

The teething monster is lodging with us, he's not welcome but he is claiming squatters rights.

Luckily both children were happy to climb into bed with me this morning and get more sleep. Rudely awoken by Woms bottom!

Dressed and headed to Evesham country park. Went with auntie Katie and Lucy. Felt like we hadn't seen them property for ages and was good to catch up. Munchie loves spending time with Lucy and was lovely to see them having fun. Both Munchie and Wom loved the new play fort that has been built there. Full blown grump attack from Wom when I got him off it.

Pub for lunch, munch devoured hers and icecream too. Not surprisingly they both slept going home. Let them have an hour then woke them up.

Auntie H and baby H came round to play, was a tad chaotic as uncle J and Duck also came round too and they had been in the pub drinking shandy!

Baths and beds
Took longer than normal but doesn't really matter.

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