A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


For me today was all about work. The sort of work you just need to throw time at and churn through. And I did. There is, of course, always more to be done but enough has been done for me to shut up shop as we take a couple of days off for our mini-break.

Anna spent the day at a West End kid musical theatre workshop and came home full of song and dance. Her homework this week was to write a story and enter Radio 2's 500 word competition. This has been quite a challenge for her as she has struggled to pin down only one idea, partly I think through procrastination and partly as she wanted to wait for the 'perfect' idea to come along. Yesterday morning we had a "getting on with it" session and she has done it. Surprising us all but I suspect mainly herself.

Meanwhile Jackson headed out to meet up with 6 of his mates for a kickabout and back here for pizza and playstation and making the house smell of boy sweat. Fortunately Peri was here and I could hide away in the office. I was tempted to light a scented candle. Sort of as expected after all that he was completely whacked and fell into a deep sleep for a solid three hours. We are keeping everything crossed he sleeps later.

Lesley x

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