A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Say Cheese!

Forgive the cheesey selfie but we've had such a good day and this is a stark contrast to last week's picture. Both were taken to be sent to Carlos; no prizes for guessing which one he prefers.

Lots of energy around here this morning so I did a crazy TABATA workout on the bike, Anna made a great start to her 500 word story for her homework and J wrote some piano music. At some point I realised what a gloriously sunny day it was and herded the troops the park. Via a quick pit stop for coffee (me) and pain au chocolat (them) and a cheery shot for the one stuck in an office.

Hide and seek and general nonsense at the park, including a little pug stalking. And home via a newsagent to get a paper as I am currently attempting to master cryptic crosswords. Though as I begin to get to know the different setters the main thing I achieved today was learning who to avoid so I don't accidentally swear in front of the kids again.

Back home for lunch and J had a massive crash. Lost all colour, looked punched in the eyes and had difficulty holding a conversation. Food and a lie down on the sofa and general relaxing for a couple of hours and he was back to normal. We are learning what we need to do to balance his activity and rest and how to help him recover when he tips over. Quite shocking how much stamina he has lost though and I'm still nervous about school next week. But for now half-term is well timed and all is good.

Later in the afternoon we headed to friends where there was a play date for each of us and there were pancakes galore. The kids have done well today as we had pancakes for breakfast. And Anna achieved her ambition of pancakes at every meal with savoury chorizo, cucumber and cheese pancakes for lunch.

I'm not even going to mention the really annoying work thing I had to deal with that is really annoying. Okay, well I won't let it spoil a very lovely day anyway!

Lesley x

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