A wee day out...

...with Mr R. I had arranged for a day's holiday after the Barmy Army were back at school so Mr R and I could grab some hours together.

Still feeling under the weather I was wondering what we could get up to. On wee days like this I'd have us walking loads or going for a swim and a sauna...neither of which I thought were a good idea today.

A friend at the meeting yesterday had reminded me that The Great Tapestry of Scotland is on display currently in the Great Hall at Stirling Castle. So we took the opportunity to view that...without the Barmy Army we could relax and take our time.

And it does take time to view all 160 panels. It's a magnificent piece of work. I took quite a few shots of panels that took my fancy but for obvious reason's sharing this one here, "The rise of the SNP 1974 elections" .

The tapestry stops at the reconvening of the Scottish Parliament but of course it is done in such a way that panels could be added to it in the future...if that's the case I'm hopeful that there might be one "The further rise of the SNP" ;-)

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