The first...

...train out of town if you're headed north isn't until 10h10 on a Sunday. That kinda suited me today in that I spent the night fluctuating between freezing and over heating and my bones are aching too...I've got some sort of lurgy working on me.

The 10h10 didn't suit me in that it got me in a tad late for the start of the event but it was better than driving, let the train take the strain.

I was in Perth for a meeting with our candidates, election agents and organisers for the Westminster election. A very motivated and determined group of people. Opinion polls just now are good for us but they are well aware that the only poll that counts is the on on 7th May and nothing is taken for granted. There is a lot of hard work to be done between now and then.

Back home I was glad to get in my PJ's and collapse on the sofa. Yesterday we put to use a pasta machine that we had received as a wedding gift, it was one of the items we had on our register. It's taken a wee bitty of a build up to get round to using it! We started off simple just making lasagne sheets and put them to the taste test tonight in Mr R's classic lasagne. Pretty tasty. Next stop spaghetti :-).

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