A bit of nostalgia

Third, and thankfully, final day of prison visiting. This time we headed up to Durham. It's a very old Victoria jail though with lots of new developments. We were made very welcome and the research went very well indeed. Home by 5 but then felt so tired I went to bed for a few hours.

Luckily woke up and remembered to blip!

So the picture shows a cricket pitch in the distance. When I parked up at Durham I could see this pitch and realised that it was Durham University's cricket square. In my youth whilst at York University I had played there probably three times. I still remember one real tussle against them when I was York's captain. Durham were always the team to beat as they had scholarships for players who they got from counties. On one day I played against three people who became county cricketers and two of whom played for England. So they are treasured memories. It was the highlight of my career at York to play against Durham and I was able to reflect on this today some 41 years later. I did not have time to go down onto the ground and get a better picture but I was happy with the memory.

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