Making a Stand

Funny start to walking as we met everyone at the appointed place and promptly drove to a Cafe for Coffee and cake. I stayed in Suzz and guarded it.
This is a VERY important job…Guarding the car. Also I am particularly good at it as it has never been stolen while I am guarding it…..Actually it has never been stolen at all which just goes to show the worth of a great car guarding dog like me.
I think I deserve a salary review…

Ok Ok Ok well after the coffee thing the sheep (weather) improved so it was walkies BUT after about an hour, out of a vast plateau, with only some diminutive Kanuka bushes for cover…the Southerly arrived and it sleeted.
We all hid in the Kanuka and decided to retreat to the car for lunch…theirs of course…and on the way bark and before the cattle stop…..look here  …..
The Boss spotted this and his fruit phone only got mildly wet in the 5 seconds that it was out of his pocket.

Tonight after a period of complaint The Boss had to “De Burr” me. It’s that time of the year again.


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