Light and Leaf

That is not a heavy one. 
It’s a bark lit one as The Boss found as we were walking up the road tonight.
The sunny day had gone off a bit and this was just catching the last of the good light so he grabbed it…Well actually he would have needed a step ladder but you get the drift?
The Boss had a very restful day watching Photographic videos from a U.S. conference that he purchased last year. It probably would have been fun to attend but the $$ paid for the movies would not have even got him to Queenstown so were good value he thought. 
I thought I should be out barking at something.
I should mention that I had a “Guest Outing” this morning when friends who come to Wanaka occasionally take me to Edgewater for Coffee. They have the coffee and everyone admires “their” dog and then they give me bark..A bit like Grandchildren I guess but I did get a swim and some Schm….s so the morning was declared a complete success.
After that I was a bit too tired to go out and bark at something.
Probably just as well as it is a Prohibited Action…

Thank you for all the suggestions on an upgrade.
I am currently running on Terrier 7.02 and The Boss thinks Labradoodle  5.1.7 which handles memory better would be an improvement.
Apparently the “Curl” module is similar as lots of folk think I am one already.
Should I be offended? 

Monday tomorrow will be celebrated with poor weather AGAIN.
Super Bigger


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