Bright afternoon sunshine in the Woodland Trust
Such a contrast between morning and afternoon. Dull, grey, drizzly in the morning cleared away as the cold front passed over (the back edge of which could be clearly seen in the sky) followed by a few sharp showers leaving this bright and breezy afternoon - cold and sharp. A portent of things to come perhaps?
Just when you thought things were coming together in one area someone throws a curve ball from another direction. We think we've sussed all the outstanding issues on the website only to find that the checking of resources is going to be more complicated and time consuming than we ever thought. It seems that some resources we specified we wanted to use had not been included on the site while resources we hadn't wanted included had been! One step forward, three steps back.
Went to a rugby meeting in the evening where we shared a bar with a large and boisterous group of church goers (I'll not specify the faith). The landlady had double booked the room so our committee meeting had to compete with the effervescent noise coming from a few yards away - and they kept nicking all our chairs. I was give a comms system so that when I'm watching a referee they can have a mike on their shirt and I can listen in on the conversation. That'll be fun.
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