The allotment in January

The beginning of a new year down at the allotment, so this is the first in a monthly series of shots showing how the patch develops over the season. Today was the first real visit for quite a few months and I was apprehensive as to how I might find it. It was in suprisingly good condition. Grass had grown well on some areas but others had a few of the usual sorts of weeds growing.

Last Monday as we were out on a walk we went past a house that had 3 rolls of chicken wire and sundry other bits by their gate, obviously being thrown out. If you've ever bought chicken wire you'll know how expensive it is, so this was a real bounty. I rang the bell and asked and so became the proud owner of 3 rolls of chicken wire.

The smalller of the rolls I used today to make a wire netting enclosure to create leaf mound from all the leaves that come down in the autumn at home and from the big oak tree near our patch. The other rolls we'll use for peas to grow up later on in the spring. I manged to clear the patch above the yellow hoops quite easily which bodes well for the rest of the plot

It was a lovely day, cool, but bright sunshine and it brought many people out to the allotments. I was offered, and took, some Jerusalem Artichokes which, as I understand, make very nice soup and can be added to mashed potatoes. However, the are reputed to have a similar effect on the digestive system to baked beans.

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