
By MamaOfBoys

Plums ahoy!

Oh yes, we went plum picking(i still find it hard to not say plum plicking) today and we got a nice haul of yellow and deep purple deliciousness.

My father in law volunteers at an orchard with the upkeep of the fruit trees being the fruit tree wizard he is and so today was harvest day for the heavily laden plum trees.

My brother and sis in law came along too with my nephews.

We had a great time, my nephew scaled to the near top of one tree with a bucket in hand and picked plums, i was impressed! Who needs a ladder?

We got a lot more yellow than purple but still a decent amount.

After we had picked plums we all took a walk minus my father in law who then had an orchard meeting, we got to the end of the track and suddenly while i was talking to my sis and bro in law-Mar disappeared, my bro in law saw him sprinting away and shouted for him but he keep going, i think he was ready to go home and just took off back towards his pop.

When we got back Mar wasn't there though, a bit of panic suddenly hit me as there was a river nearby, a busy road and a decent amount of dense-ish bush that a little boy like him could get lost in. 

My over dramatic- mama who has lost her baby- panic panic panic -side of my brain started churning through thoughts like ' we'll have to call the police! And they'll need their sniffer dogs!! And then they'll need search and rescue!!! AND WHAT IF WE NEVER FIND HIM!!!!!!!!!'

The calm- logical side of my brain thought that can't be, he usually cries when he's lost, he must be here somewhere, he never runs away, we'll find him'

The logical side won and the over dramatic stressed part of my brain probably exploded or something, i haven't heard from it since

I couldn't hear him which made me think he wasn't far, when he gets separated from me or lost he wails at the top of his lungs and my keen mama ears can track the sound down to where he is - but there was no sound, we all started calling and looking for him.

Suddenly he hopped out of a car- i say A car because it wasn't my brother in laws or my father in laws car he got out from- in fact we don't know whose car it was. 

I growled at him a bit and he was apologetic, i asked him why he was in that car and because it was parked next to his pops car he thought it was 'my uncles car'. We all laughed, he was just sitting, waiting, in someone elses car- thank goodness they didn't hop in and drive away!

We headed back but not before my bro in law stopped and bought us all a real fruit ice cram - they're so good and you feel healthy eating them.

We went back to my place where the rest of my fam congregated for dinner that my mama in law had made- lasagna and salad followed by lemon cake and ice cream ( the ice cream i had earlier was healthy remember? you don't believe me do you?).
My father in law's birthday is Tuesday but we celebrated today! we'll probably celebrate again on Tuesday, we're a cake loving family - any opportunity for cake: we take it.

My nephews and mar had a great time together playing outside, though Marley felt the need to keep telling his cousin where the toilet was and at one point said ' you've had a lot of meat let me show you the toilet' Overly concerned funny kid he is, there were so many giggles  to be heard  from them all playing but isn't that just the best sound?

Was an awesome night finished with a hot cup of tea!

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