
By MamaOfBoys

In the city

The sun didn't really rise this morning- my babes did though at a time that's what i call 'too early'. 6 am.

 I'm not really the best morning person until around 7 but we had to get up; the baby had started crying, Mar was asking for toast and Kanye was demanding the hummus he found in the fridge  for breakfast which he cried about when we replaced it with toast 

' what is the world coming to when you can't have hummus for breakfast hey'? We're mean parents. 

Kind of confused by how early we got up and lack of sleep , Andre and i hazily stumbled around feeding the boys we looked like zombies- mumbie and dadbie or if you want to get interesting "parembies" parent- zombies. Not quite right is it? Yeah, i'll work on that, parembies  to me sounds like we're some sort of cute buzzing hopping bug or even frog.- which we are not and we definitely weren't this morning.

We ended up having coffee at 745 am not long after having a cup of tea- it was just enough caffeine to get us through most of the day.

We sort of sat around in the morning in our pjs, my dadda in law came around for a visit and hopefully tomorrow we'll go pick plums which in my tiredness was too hard to say to Andre later on- i gave up after many times of saying 'plicking' plums- clearly my brain was not functioning. 

We had planned to go to the beach where they were having their annual kite day.

So we walked into town but by the time we got there we were kinda tired, caffeine had worn off and hunger had set in, we didn't then feel like catching a bus to the beach so instead we convinced mar that this was a better plan. Really we thought it would all turn to custard but actually we had a great day.

We popped in to see my mama in law then we got lunch for all of us and some fruity ice creams. 

We sat by the river bank in the shade watching the beautiful water flow along the rocks for about an hour.
 There were ducks, sparrows, eels and one large spotted trout that seemed to stay in once place; i guess in the hopes for food but i thought maybe throwing chips in was a bit too ironic- fish eating chips.. hmm exactly.

Andre started to feel a bit unwell so we walked home. The kids were pretty tired by then anyway so they relaxed watching some tv while i wandered around with the baby asleep on my back.

Andre rested for a couple of hours and felt lots better, he thinks he had too much aioli, i can understand that, i love aioli too you just have to know when to stop, usually when the chips run out.

After he took a break i had a lie down for about 20 minutes before Marley came roaring through shouting for me because he needed a peanut butter sandwich. Yup, ok , i'm up.

Tonight was one of those nights where i thought i'd do something a bit different for dinner because really we (the adults) get a bit tired of the same stuff that we know the kids will eat. 

We had a chicken satay. Did the boys eat it? No. Did they even try it?' what are you even saying? of course not. 

They wailed and howled even grizzled as they threw themselves down  to the ground in despair at the hideousness of food that was not to their liking.

 They didn't like dinner so much they left the table.
 Marley sat on the couch and was muttering how he didn't like it and it was unfair, Kanye on the other hand went outside and peered through the glass at us tears streaming and shouting galore. Harper threw his on the floor then demanded down. 

Well it was worth a shot, i just didn't realize that it would create a mass of tears and world war 3 but i did get to sit alone with my husband and eat dinner while it was hot so that s sort of a plus right?

Note- when they do this we do feed them food later on, usually a piece of fruit and a piece of toast. We're not that mean.

So all in all a nice day with my family- just hoping that now that its  8 pm and they're in bed asleep that they then wont get up early again,i know i'm hopeful. Sleep? who needs it? maybe i need to invest in a  robot nanny.

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