Bike Ride

As I was typing my Blip last night my fingers started to feel a bit sore.
By the time I clicked on Publish my whole body was aching, I had a splitting headache and felt as if I was made of lead. In the space of ten minutes I went from feeling fine to feeling horrific.
Pesky children with their germs!
I dosed myself up and went to bed feeling very sorry for myself.
Miss E came in just before 6am and I stumbled off to her bed hoping for a bit more sleep. I should have taken some paracetamol because I couldn't get back to sleep and lay there tossing and turning in pain until I pathetically stumbled back out and whimpered to Mr K to get some medicine for me.
Then I went back to sleep until Noon and felt a bit better when I got up.
We had planned to go to the Black Country Museum today with Nanny and Nana but I cancelled yesterday thinking Miss E might not be up to it. Thank goodness I did because I'd have never been up to it!
Mr K got the Little Misses dressed and took them out on a bike ride. This is a cheat Blip because when it was taken I was snuggled on the sofa squinting at the 18" screen TV which we're using temporarily until our new one arrives next week. Did my headache the world of good!!
I was struck by how different Miss E looks three years after she got her first bike. The photos were taken in almost exactly the same spot.
I went to bed to listen to the football. 
0-2 down at half time and I felt a bit depressed. We won 7-2 and I felt better!!
I've cooked sausages and beans for everyone and now I'm off back to bed.
Pesky children with their germs!!

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