
By MamaOfBoys


All 3 of my boys are mischief. But whats new?

Today more so than any other day, not quite sure why- perhaps the cooler weather?

Just a few things that my babes filled my day with-

Harper climbed on the table and tipped out my basil and rubbed the dirt everywhere only after eating some pink chalk and drawing on the walls, cupboards and windows first. 

After being put down on the floor he started a protest, of course i interrupted his fun, mean mama. He then proceeded to empty out my spices drawer running through the house with a packet of dried sweet basil flying everywhere (this boy must be mine -he keeps targeting basil).

Marley today tried to 'help' move some things from around the back and ended up building a crane with the trampoline pole and breaking a fence paling.

Kanye thought it would be a great idea to throw toys- any toys within reach around the room.

I felt outnumbered and exhausted. 

But after a coffee i scooped up some energy and like the flash ran around the house cleaning it, but as you know with little boys all of that work is undone 5 minutes after i finish... pointless.

Harper had an appointment at the hospital today for his eye, his right one turns in ever so slightly when he's tired-something he has inherited from his dadda and me. The ophthalmologist was lovely! 
She mainly deals with paediatric patients so was very skilled in her testing and it was all over in a matter of minutes!

She told me his eyes track fine every which way, his eyes work perfectly together and singularly, his vision is fine but she wants to keep seeing him though every few months to check checking as there is family history and a chance things may change. 

She isn't concerned about his eye turning in- though they can fix that if it gets worse through surgery which isn't fun i've had numerous surgeries for mine. 

She mentioned the main concern is eye health, so if he starts losing vision then they have to act so might need glasses etc if that happens and if i notice his eye gets worse to go back sooner than 3 months. 

She said we've got it early so they can do more if it gets worse but ultimately if its just a tiredness thing and his vision stays the same they wont do anything for it.

She asked if we can get a video of his eye when hes tired because in her office his eyes are focusing on what she  is doing so the eyes work and she doesn't see it when there's no focus that's when it happens. 

Promising news and a big relief.

After that i popped into my travel agent and picked up our sea world tickets and itinerary so have everything now! Getting pretty excited!

Just need to do last minute things before we go - get animals sorted, change money over etc.

I snapped this pic of Mar at dinnertime giving his baby brother a drink of water!

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