Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

bringing home the shopping...............

or moving house!!  Who knows but he certainly is making the best use of his bicycle!!

Backblipped yesterday because we had no electricity and my computer battery was flat.  Thankfully electricity came in the middle of the morning today and I hope it is here to stay.  Sunshine today so I was able to charge my solar light too!!

170+ people dead now in the floods in the south of the country.  Saw a video clip today of a lorry driving along a road which was just like a river.  As he went to cross the bridge, it gave way and the lorry disappeared - the driver was drowned!  So sad and so many people have been affected.  Some people stranded were sent a helicopter to rescue them yesterday and they refused to leave their land - I think they did not understand that they were being helped!  

Anyway hope you all have a good weekend!!

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