bucks life

By bucksmiss


I headed to the other office part way through the day today so as to get my head down. It was worth it. I got loads done. However, things started badly and then got better as I found I'd had a huge misunderstanding in a matter which has led to a delay which I had to put my hands up to but luckily the agent pulled it out of the hat and bought some more time for me and I owe her one... or maybe two. Then the nasty client who has been making various lives a misery has finally said he's not taking his moans any further. Thank goodness for that. He was doing our collective heads in with his illogical ramblings. I also tackled another job that had been bothering me and felt better for it as usual!

It's been a quiet evening. My blip shows it's back to usual at home! I've managed to keep to my suggested food intake today. Good effort.

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