bucks life

By bucksmiss

Pixie toes

I had the worst night's sleep in many years last night. I was awake virtually all night...read a magazine, got up and made a Horlicks (at 3am!), listened to the radio, listened to rain sounds supposed to aid sleep. Everything worked for about half an hour. I got more and more stressed and found it harder and harder to sleep. I think it was probably because I have yet another ailment today, a nasty sore throat and swollen glands. Aaaaagh!

Work was a half day, thank goodness, and fruitful as I had a decent client meeting and then received some fabulous flowers from a grateful party for some work I did at the end of last week. Lucky me!

I was determined not to go home so met up with C and Tilly as planned at lunchtime at the ace fabric warehouse in Northampton to browse for curtain material for my bedroom and C's house generally. It was wonderful. An Aladdin's cave. I've found several fabrics that might work and have brought some small samples home to check in my room. We had a whale of a time and Tilly slept the whole way round. Good girl. I've blipped her gorgeous pixie bootees, hand made (knitted and felted) by my very talented sister in law. Teddy's got some too and they are adorable as well as secure and warm. A winner!

We had a nice light lunch at the cafe in Delapre Abbey, while C fed Tilly then I had a head shrink session, which was hugely positive. I came home with a really sore throat but still managed to wolf down some tasty chicken fajitas. I've started watching series 5 of Spiral, which is as good as I'd hoped so far, but am now feeling tired at 9pm so have come to bed.

I'd better sleep well tonight or I'll be really cross tomorrow.

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