The Lady in Pink

Meet Elaine (aka mrsapplecrumble) my lovely friend who's responsible for us having our two boys and also the lady behind all those gorgeous puppies.

Elaine did an interview today on Radio Sussex about the issue of not being able to take dogs into certain shops/cafes. Fortunately we're very lucky living in Brighton, where most places are dog friendly. So while she was in town we met for lunch at Cafe Rococo in Kemp Town where Lily was more than welcome.

I'm still coughing but slept better last night - I think I sweated it out, but have felt a bit better today. And as I was leaving work tonight I was thanked for battling it out this week - its nice to be appreciated.

My thoughts are with everyone in France at this sad time, and for those of you in Paris, stay safe - Je Suis Charlie!

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