grey is the new white

Well now, this is all very interesting.  I’ve seen a couple to references to Blippers who have changed the white background to something approaching the previous design.  

It involves a bit of downloading and then uttering various incantations along the lines of “please let it work ….”  and hey presto my new blip looks like the old blip.  Well - not exactly, but a pretty good likeness.

This has made me think - it’s not that difficult to change the way a web page looks.  Well - it is for someone like me - Anniemay is even more impressed that I tackled it - but full credit to the trailblazers who wrote such comprehensive instructions that even I could follow them.

Who are these Wizards of the Web I hear you ask?  Here’s one and here’s another.

Their revisions work in Chrome or Firefox.  I normally use Safari and as such haven’t found a ‘make my new blip look like my old blip’ for that particular browser.  But it can’t be difficult.  In the meantime I’ve installed Firefox on my Mac so I can bask in the old grey light.

I also found a way of putting a link to my blip folio in my profile.  (Too much excitement for one day)

The blip is my new grey bike bottle.  I’ve thrown out my old manky white one.

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