modern times

I don’t know why, but this caught my fancy through a rain soaked windscreen on a dull and dank morning.

In the olden days, when Blip was like a rather stylish Onesie - a shade of dark understatement trimmed in white with a minimum of frippery (if you want to think in terms of camera bags, then more Ona than Crumpler) - which you could just slip into and while away a few hours in pleasant company  …… anyway - back then, Chantler (she of the Challenges) set up a Book Club/Review type challenge where we could comment on our latest reading.  

I don’t propose to resurrect that particular challenge - I have no idea how to anyway - but given that it is such a gloomy day - for all sorts of reasons - I will mention a book.

I’ve just finished reading The Kraken Wakes, by John Wyndham.  Having no idea of the plot, the title baffled me for sometime and I assumed it was reference to some sort of Northern holiday (as in Wakes Week).  Once I began reading I thought that perhaps it should be The Kraken Awakes…..  - but then discovered that the title is taken from a sonnet by Tennyson.  Who am I to quibble with the great and the good?

In a word? - fab-u-lous.  

In a few more - for a book written in 1953, the two major themes are worryingly prescient.  Innocent people around the world are being attacked by an enemy that Governments seem helpless to deal with - while facing an environmental catastrophe that we are now beginning to experience for ourselves.

At times their case seems hopeless; but they are not helpless.  Which is how I feel right now.  

Other than to quote Voltaire, I will leave you, should you choose to read this book, to interpret it in your own way.

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. 

Je Suis Charlie.  

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