The journey continues...

By Lbell

Just a standard day at school...

I was surprised this morning to awake to the rest of my room getting up and ready considering I'm usually the person that's always getting up early and waking everyone else up. (not out of my own will!)

I realised it was only 6am and went back to sleep for an hour. I woke to my phone ringing just before 7am. I got up out of bed and began the early morning rush of getting ready.

I was shocked to discover Brie still in bed fast asleep at 7.15 and for a change I had to wake her up! Although considering she passed out on the seats in front of the bar last night and didn't move on to her room until 4am it wasn't really that surprising lol.

We headed to fundadores slightly late and after sneaking off for our daily obsession of papas we headed to the sports fields for some British bulldogs, football and obstacle races. Afterwards we had an hour or arts back at the school and made crowns :)

Then it was back to the hostel and staight into the pool! We didn't last too long before Brie and I headed to our usual lunch place for some fish today. It might not look that great, especially with its skin, tail and head on show but it was so tasty. (and cheap of course)

We had a chilled afternoon, made some guacamole and headed to the cinema later with the hostel to see Avengers. As per usual I couldn't last the movie and fell asleep...whoops

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