The dream and the reality...

Thankyou to a bunch of fab ladies for a brilliant evening :) Who knew so much fun could be had like that!!

Pyjama day today, after yesterday's activity. We were supposed to head out to the Post Office (I'll go tomorrow Lauri, promise!) and the supermarket but this afternoon when we I was finally thinking we ought to go out I noticed a whole load of flashing lights outside the house and discovered the police had the road closed off around our house!! Seems there was a road traffic accident almost directly outside our house, Steve and I looked at where things were and what the police were marking on the road, and watched the RTA investigator do a few emergency stops to check braking distance, and we think a motorbike going way too fast hit a car and flew over its bonnet. The biker was conscious at least, I couldn't see him thankfully, I didn't mind Ben watching the police and seeing all the police cars and ambulances and paramedic cars and fire engines but I'm glad he couldn't see the injured man. We watched a fella from the press (I can only assume, open toe sandals at a RTA? So professional) take photographs, we watched the poor car driver looking seriously unhappy, clutching a hot drink. We watched the rain start, and stop, and the sun come out again. We watched for a long time, on and off, until finally the car and bike were loaded onto a recovery truck and taken away.

Got a lot done today. Craft kits are all done, just finishing packing and labelling them up; next week Ben and I can make his set and get the instruction leaflet done before they get posted. All good stuff - especially as they sold out today!! Happy me :)

And to round off the day, an opportunity to dress up, take photos I wasn't expecting, and chatter and giggle with the best bunch of nutters ever :) I love you lot, you know who you are!!

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