jeni and the beans

By themessymama


.... given this is all I took yesterday, this is all you're getting I'm afraid! Doesn't reflect the day at all either. I searched for something blippable that might actually represent the day a bit as well but couldn't find anything, and Ben was fast asleep by the time I realised I'd not taken anything.

It's not been a bad old day though. Not been too sick at all. Hurrah!

I decided that I was going to have a bath in the morning before tots. It was well worth the effort, even though we ended up missing half of tots as a result. Ben played nicely, shared my cake, joined in the singing (well, some of the actions anyway), and was happy enough to say 'bye at the end. We missed Rosie though, her mummy was poorly :( Oh and in other news our other friend had a little boy Monday night, very very quickly - like from about 2pm thinking these may be contractions, to about 6.30pm ish delivering in A&E which they only just got to in time!

After a bit of lunch we walked up to the hairdressers thinking we'd be able to walk in and get Ben's hair cut. No such luck, it was the busiest I've seen it in ages! Made an appointment for Thursday and walked home again. And I told Ben he was tired but he insisted that he was awake and could therefore watch Wall-E. Still, I persuaded him otherwise and we had no more TV until he'd had a sleep - and he fell asleep almost instantly as well.

I sat down and relaxed with a cup of coffee qhile he slept! Sometimes that's all you feel like doing. And I didn't even feel guilty for not doing anything else. I did get a couple of backblips up filling in some gaps, but the internet went down AGAIN so I'm still not up to date. Virgin are pulling new lines in which is causing huge service disruption - we've had broadband outages since Friday. It was supposed to be back online by 9pm last night but still wasn't when we went to bed at 11pm. I've not checked yet today. Frustrating! Does make me realise a bit just how much of my life is spent online in one way or another, even if that is just frequent visits to check what's occurrin'.

Spent the afternoon grazing which always makes me more hungry than I realise so when Steve came home it turned into an utter ordeal trying to make dinner with two exhausted adults and an exhausted child (late nights catching up with him). But Ben got bathed and put to bed and didn't go to sleep so he came back downstairs to have some dinner with us and then realised just how tired he was and went to bed happily after that.

And then we cleared away the detritus and I collapsed with cereal and watched while Steve finished clearing away the detritus and then we went to bed......


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