
By JanBee

Fog warning.

We travel the road,
Though the way may be obscure,
And warning signs flash.
Today we spent a lot of time on the road.  We took Tash back up to London and then continued on up the M1 to drop Greg off at Uni in Leicester, then home.

The car was laden with: a (new) bass guitar in a large case, an acoustic guitar, a synthesiser in it's case, a food processor, a sewing machine, an iMac in it's box, two large suitcases, various bags and rucksacks, a flask of coffee and packed lunch, coats and hats, 4 adults and a camera (mine).

It took all my shape sorting skills to get it all in, and I did have to drive up to London reaching under the guitar case to change gear ... but we made it!!

It was thick fog  pretty much all the way with a very heavy frost also once we got north of London .... so many blip opportunities ... impossible because either I was driving or we couldn't stop because we were on the motorway.

Home now, changed into onesie,  dinner is cooking and I think a glass of wine may be called for.

Will catch up later if still awake ..... nose fully back to grindstone tomorrow....

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