
By JanBee


When the great winds came,
Many fell like dominoes,
But the strong still stand.

A grey drizzly day.   I walk the dog most days in Buxted Park (and most of my blips are from there).  It is the grounds of what was once a medieval manor house which then burnt down and was replaced by a Georgian house, which also burnt down and was rebuilt in the 1940's ...

There was an avenue of lime trees which led to the original manor house ... these were huge and fine specimens which were decimated by the hurricane of 1987.   They were literally blown over and were largely left where they fell. As though a huge hand had just swept them over.  A few
survived the storm and now stand proud and upright amongst the others.  This is one of them

A bit of history: 
"Buxted Park Estate dates from 1199 and the current Georgian house is a Grade II listed mansion originally built in 1725, restored and remodelled in 1940 after it was damaged by fire. ...
...A lime avenue, planted during the reign of Charles Stuart was 60 feet wide and many of these trees were over 100 feet in height, their branches spreading to 50 feet. The avenue led to the original old house that was the Manor Farm, a part of the Manor of Buxted. Unfortunately, this house was destroyed by fire in the early 1700’s, and many of the trees that once stood in the parkland were destroyed during the 1987 hurricane."

Can you spot a waggy woozle in the background .... 

PS. I am having a  problem publishing some photos ... not sure why ... anyone else having the same problem?

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