New Year's Eve Antics

Us girls slept in.  The Hubby was up early building up the fire to warm up our house.  It was brrrrrrrrr cold!  We snuggled under the covers, and chit chatted away.  I love these types of mornings.  So happy to not have to get up and rush off to school and work.  We are really trying to cherish these special days.  

The Hubby took off on some errand type adventures, while Sugar and I got ready to go to see some friends for New Year's Eve.  We headed on out in the early afternoon, and arrived in the mood for some fun. We ate good food, played some board and card games. So many happy giggles.  
In the evening, we walked around the State Park Garden, as it was all lit up for the last night of the Holiday season.  So crisp and cold....but really a perfect evening to enjoy the lights. We had a nice leisurely walk around the park.  Ate cookies and sipped spiced hot apple cider.  What a treasured time.  Then it was back to our friend's house for a few more games, and then finally we headed home around 10:30pm.  

We spent some time reading some Harry Potter in Sugar's bed, and attempted to stay awake to say "Hello!" to the New Year, but....Sugar didn't quite make it.  Off to dreamland she went.  I hugged her for the last time in 2014.  So looking forward to see what 2015 has in store for our family.

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