Chip Chip

I woke fairly early at my  parent's house, and proceeded to stay in bed and read for a few hours.  Haven't done that in awhile...and it was so lovely. had to end, and I jumped out of bed and got allllll packed up to head on home.  It was time.  We ran several errands on the way, and ended up home around 2pm.  The Hubby was happy to see us.  The Cat was even MORE excited.  He was past due for lots of snuggles.  

We were having cold weather, so the one of the main activities of the afternoon and evening, as keeping the wood stove full of fire.  Sugar snuggled up in a blanket in her room with the cat, and I watched a movie with The Hubby.  

Right before bed, I realized that I hadn't taken any photos.  We were unpacking some of the thing we brought home from my parent's house, so I decided to nab a shot of Sugar favorite stuffed animal ever.  This little hamster, Chip Chip, has been her best buddy for years now.  I made him a little stocking cap for Christmas, and it has just tickled Sugar's funny bone. She thinks he looks so darn cute.  So glad I made her heart happy with something that took me about 5 minutes.  

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