Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Not Happy

*Gratuitous and poor quality cat blip alert*

Took cat to the vets for his annual MOT and came out minus cat.

He got whisked away in the 'ambulance' (aka van) to the main surgery to have a paw stitched (what I'd thought was healing, wasn't), some blood taken and his heart X-rated and scanned with the ultrasound scanner.

Turns out he has the starting signs of heart failure from thickening walls in his heart :-(

He's now home, high on pain killers, hacked off at not being allowed out and sporting 2 comedy bald patches. He's also under threat of having to wear a 'Cone of Shame' if he starts trying to pull stitches out and also has to be taken back next week.

And I don't yet know if the insurance company will pay out. Even if they do, there's £210 excess to pay (they treat the paw and the heart as 2 treatments, and the £105 excess applies to each.) Arse.

Right. Where's the gin?

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