
New Years Day should be spent dragging the children on an unwanted walk, we however are modern parents so we took them to the pub for lunch instead.

This was after a massive team effort to get the village hall back into tip top shape. Considering the terrible mess and all of the gear we had left in there it did not really take very long, and it was good to discuss the evening and what was good and bad. Mostly good but there are some things we need to tweak. All the feedback we've had today has been really good which is lovely.

Then the pub and then an afternoon sitting in front of the fire watching a film. Excellent.

I did have a picture from last night but it is alarmingly similar to yesterdays blip with slightly more jaded people so I thought I'd better take a topical picture of some Gin.

Amusingly we currently have 6 different bottles of gin in the house, I really like the current upsurge in artisan Gin production, the stuff I'm currently drinking is Bathtub and is very good indeed.  Handy hint for 2015, good tonic makes a massive difference ;)



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