A night by the fire

Well it's been quite an exciting day. I've been busy at work, but that's fine the day flew and both Mick & Siobhan who I work for are on holiday until 5th Jan, so it's an opportunity to catch up.

At lunch time I walked into town to look at new phone deals and came away with an iPhone 6. I'm really excited to start using it, but last night I had to leave it downloading all the Apps fromy old phone.

Then I got back to the office and received messages from Alan & Rachel telling me that a Virgin 747 had problems and is circling over Brighton. It had taken off from Gatwick on a flight to Las Vegas but had problems with its landing gear and had to dump/burn fuel before it could go back and attempt to land. Alan could see it from our landing window and looked for my camera, but I'd taken it to work - that would have made a good blip!

Anyway luckily it landed safely after 4 hours of circling over Sussex, but it's caused chaos as they had to divert all the other flights and close the airport!

Tonight we met up with Chrissy & Stephen for post-Christmas drinks at the Queen Vic in Rottingdean, everywhere looked lovely and festive and their fires were burning. It's not the best photo, as I didn't take my camera with me so this is taken with the iPhone 4.

Anyway, we had a great night and it was nice for the boys to come out with us for a change.

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