Blair Witch ....

.... or Tinkerbelle??
It stopped raining, there was a smidgeen of light and we went in search of fairies in the woods in Rineen. Son#1 swears he saw them, frolicking in the greenery. This one seems to have been tied up but she's still smiling.
Another heap of mince pies have been made, a couple of handfuls disappearing before they were even off the baking tray.
Sadly(!) Die Hard was not an option on Netflix so we've been having a Tom Cruise fest instead - Jack Reacher first then Top Gun last night! It might be Born on the 4th of July tonight but I have to get get up early - son#2 and brother arriving tomorrow, four hours apart annoyingly, so a bit of lurking around the environs of Cork city might ensue.
I think I might take a short Blip break and catch up on the other side. Wishing you all a very happy Christmas  - Nollaig Shona Dhuit.

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