All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan has never encountered "characters" like this before. However, there are quite a few of them wandering round the hotel complex and he's smitten! He loves to go up to them for a big cuddle and often joins in with the mid afternoon parade, following them round - with all the kids tagging along it's like the Pied Piper of Hamlyn!

We had another chilled out day at the hotel today. Hubbie and I take it in turns to look after Ethan for a few hours at a time while the other has a bit of me time - I usually do it in the morning, we then have family time over lunch and early afternoon, before hubbie takes over late afternoon. I'm spending "my" time reading and sunbathing - I suspect hubbie is playing computer games and trying to get an internet connection in their cyber cafe where the wi-fi is very iffy!

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