Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Newe Horizons

Its been a lovely day of sunshine and blue skies, although the wind was pretty chilly. Frost forecast for tonight so the bedding plants we bought while up in Glasgow at the weekend are in the new hut for the night just in case they got nipped.

Morning run was most invigorating and its always amazing how some decent weather seems to give you that wee bit more energy. Must be psychological, unless there is something magical about the sun's rays.

I had already blipped Red Campion set off nicely against a few Bluebells, as well as some lobster pots washed up on the beach, when I noticed the sheep on the sea grasses just above the beach. Maybe they hadn't seen anyone out running before, but they all just stopped and looked at me. By the time I got the camera out most of them had wandered off, but a small group were intent on keeping an eye on me. Anyway, I thought they looked quite smart set against the blue sky and puffy clouds.

It was only this evening, while reviewing the shots, that I noticed the fancy earrings these girls were wearing. They can be seen better in LARGE. Maybe they weren't watching me, just showing off their fine jewellery!

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