Family portrait

Haircut this morning and was joined by Angus and Squidge for lunch at All Star. What a difference six months makes with a toddler. She used to tear around that place and it was virtually impossible to sit down and eat lunch with her. She was a little treasure today, sitting in a booth (without a highchair "I'm a big girl now Mummy"), colouring, eating her kids meal and slurping her orange juice proudly. It was amazing!

We even had a game of bowling (she used one of the guides to roll her balls down the lanes to much excitement). Before we left, we jumped in the photo booth and took this family portrait. It's a keeper!

Off out tonight for a client Xmas do (new clients so we were only asked this week to join). Would much rather stay in but it should be a giggle all the same as they a lovely company. Angus has at least promised me a lie-in tomorrow (never happens!)

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