Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Not so flashy

I seem to have strained my calf muscle with all that caulking, possibly. And so I had a lie in and no early Archie walk, for the first time since - oh - last Saturday at the luxury hotel...

Shopping was compulsory today - I NEED a new address book. JR, who can spent a day happily in John Lewis, set off early in the day and we met up briefly later. I had my shopping done in five minutes. That's how I like it.

I took a wander round St Andrew Square, but the rain, which had been on and off all with sunny bits in between, seemed to set in. Time to go home!

I took Archie out for a walk with his flash(ing) new collar in the dark. Suddenly the flashing was on the pavement behind us. Yes, the flashing bit had fallen out! We'd used it about three times. I took it back to the shop and he gave me my money back.

Still not happy with the new Blipfoto site. They seem to have got rid of everything we liked about the site (but some might be coming back) and the new bits have evidently not been thought through properly (eg the 'commenting' notifications debacle).

The words 'baby' and 'bathwater' spring to mind...

Keep calm and carry on, blippers!

PS Big day for Archie tomorrow - haircut.

PPS I appear to have 11 hearts, but only have notification of 4. So that's working well...

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