Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A jaunt into town for a free baby sitting Dog Grooming session while JR and I went for a meal. Our favourite little French restaurant - well, it’s really handy. It’s such a rustic wee place, with phrases in French scrawled in chalk all over the walls. Really sweet. Except - zut alors - Pop muzak! 

I asked the young French waitress if we could have French music (as was playing last time). I know it’s probably the last thing the young people want to hear, but it’s much more in keeping with the place. And so...

... 'Je ne regrette rien…'

However, when we got back to Craig the groomer, he was not gushing with praise for Archie’s behaviour this time. Oh no! Archie had been most unco-operative, snippy, grumpy. But Craig knew there must be a reason. It was all because he has a wee sore scr…   boy’s bit. The vet had said it would fill up with ‘stuff’ and then drain away (where to?), but it hasn’t yet, apparently, and so Archie didn’t take happily to someone poking around at his rear end with a razor. Too much information? As Craig said, if he was feeling a bit sick (although he did not use the same part of the anatomy in his comparison) he wouldn’t want someone fussing over him.

I dropped JR in town. I don’t know why anyone would choose this option - it was wall-to-wall FOLK. Murder.

We made it home without Archie being sick! Although as we came up the last road, he sat up and looked squeamish. I was driving with one hand ready with a poo bag. But it was not needed. I congratulated us both as I parked and went to take stuff out of the boot, but when I came round to get him out, there was a huge soggy dollop of vomit. Give him his due, he was trying to eat it up again… YUCK.

We got him some more toys, as there has been a spate of ones giving up the ghost (or the squeak). We might wrap them up for his Christmas. But really, that’s as silly as me re-wrapping my new Kindle Voyage, which arrived today and I have not had time to fondle fully. (It won't be wrapped up again - it's in use.)

Archie smells really nice, and he's so soft. But next time he’ll have a wee surprise - I am working up to doing the deed myself. Can’t be that hard. And he’s not entering Crufts, so it doesn’t really matter if I make a mistake. I already have the razor, and last week I got a proper grooming table. That'll be worth a blip!

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