Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A wee surprise in the shed

It's All Go today! So a trapped indoor blip is necessary. The tulips are still going. We have a dark glass cover for the hob when it’s not in use. Useful for other things, too.

Phone rang at 7:15am - Ikea deliveries on their way. How efficient is that!

‘O’ Level Maths. Question 1: It takes two men half an hour to assemble an Ikea day bed with 300 individual pieces. The cost is £20.

How long would it take an elderly lady with bung knees to assemble it? How much would she pay?

Answer: BL**** AGES! £100.

And she would have been Very Very Grumpy. Certainly the best £20 worth ever!

Then the Virgin Media man came to move the router to a more central position in the house, so that I can use my iPad in the kitchen without losing the connection. It might solve the problems with the wifi sound system too.

Just waiting for the last delivery - promised to arrive today - two shoe storage cabinets for the walk-in wardrobe. That will free up space in the spare room, which is still full of stuff. I suspect my back scratcher is in one of those boxes. And the sunglasses.

There is a brand new shed in our shared back garden. I have at last got the combination for the lock, so I had a wee look. Inside, I was delighted to find, was an almost brand new shiny green electric lawn mower! Can’t wait to use it.

We used to have a huge paddock round our house in NZ. We euphemistically called it a ‘lawn’ but it wasn’t - it just scrub - full of tree roots and hazards. Over a period of years I’d go and buy a lawnmower, wreck it in a year, get it fixed, wreck it again, then get a more robust (bigger) one. I ended up having a whopping big heavy industrial one that just about killed me to get started and keep under control. It took three hours to do the lawns. But that was in the days when my knees worked. Luckily the ‘lawns’ didn’t grow for most of the summer as it was too hot, but one type of long stemmed grass grew prolifically enough to be annoying, and necessitate a regular, though much quicker, trim.

So mowing this teensy wee, flat, properly grassed lawn with an electric mower will be dream! Even with my errant knees…

Uncle A gave me the Dog Shaming book. Laugh out loud funny!

One more sleep…

PS 4:30pm Shoe things arrived. Require assembly. Glad I'm off on holiday!
Also, thanks S, T & J. Your parcel arrived on time!

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