Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Mother's Day Fuchsia

Every year, I hang up a Fuchsia on the front porch. I have had such a variety of these flowers over the years, but this one is so striking! The pot is full of these delicate little flowers that are just so pretty...and there are many, many more buds promising even more flowers!

Our day was overcast and colorless (again!), so I decided to photograph the hanging basket with the trees behind to add some color!!

As an aside, I have found a pair of Wood Ducks at Daughter's college! They seem to favor a swampy spot near one of the parking lots. I was thrilled beyond belief this afternoon when I spotted the pair in the not too distant water. I was about to poise to shoot when Daughter slammed the car door shut, sending male and female into flight. Arghh........

So, it is flowers once again.

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