Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Mr. Fun and His Mom

Happy Mother's Day was the theme of our day and the focus of much of what we did.

After church, Mr. Fun phoned his mom to wish her "Happy Mother's Day" and to ask her if she would go out for a meal with us. We had decided that we might get a much more positive response if we did not ask her several days in advance.

Since her husband died in July 2007, she has pretty much become a recluse. So we were pleased when her immediate response was "yes" to going out with us.

She does still drive her car and goes out approximately once a week to do her shopping and banking, but the thought of her driving is a concern for us. We hope that when her next birthday arrives this coming November, when she turns 90, that she'll give-up her driver's license. Well, that's a future issue, but as for today, it was good time together.

My mom has been gone many years and I have included words about her here in Blip numerous times, but my favorite is this one about her taming dragons. I miss her every day. She died when she was 57. I was 33. I'm convinced her death changed my life because losing her when she was so young has caused me to live my life with a purpose I did not have previously. Two years after her death, I enrolled in college. I know she would be pleased, not proud, but pleased at the things I have been allowed to do. She was a wonderful person. I wish I had told Mom that more often.

Mother's Day has always been about my mom, not about me and my kids, but maybe tomorrow I'll explain about my Mother's Day present. It was quite unexpected. I was delighted.

I hope everyone else celebrating this holiday has had a grand Mother's Day and everyone else around the world a good Sunday.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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