Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

100 Degrees Today!

This is the the view from the west side of our backyard. I was looking over the fence that borders our neighbor's yard. We have a tremendous view from almost anywhere in the yard, but I am especially partial to this angle.

It has been a VERY HOT today. This type of weather usually brings a fairly clear afternoon and it did today.

I spent several hours at the campus today in a workshop learning the next version of "Blackboard" -- the online course program that we use for all of our online, hybrid, and web-enhanced classes.

I teach hybrid classes, and much of what was explained and discussed this afternoon is over my head -- I still do lots with my students in the face-to-face class. So, this is another learning curve. I just keep telling myself "I can do this." And I do, even though I am not the fastest car on the track, I just keep going; each lap around the track is one more victory. Many of my students, no, make that most of my students, are much more savvy about this online stuff than I am, but that's okay they were born into this stuff; I wasn't. I tell them that I had to dodge dinosaurs to get to school.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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