Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

This is Max!

Max is NOT going to look at me. Theses days he refuses to look at the camera. If I pester him, he gets up and strolls away.

His coat is looking a little shaggy. We love having him fluffy, but the weather is getting warm enough that soon we'll take Max and Mitzi both to the groomer for their summer "do."

Max is about 22 pounds, which is approximately 4 pounds heavier than he ought to be. He wouldn't like that I have told you that, so please don't let him know I've told. But 4 pounds overweight on his little shih tzu body is a bit too much. So a walking regimen needs to begin and soon.

Max and his sidekick, Mitzi, came to us in February of 2011. When we went to get him, we thought we were being given one dog because the people who owned Mitzi and Max had moved to a mobile home park in Orange County that only allows residents to have one dog. When we arrived, they told us that they just couldn't separate these two buddies. So we said, "Okay."

We already had 1 dog at home, Chloe. She had only been with us for a short six weeks. We never dreamed we'd be the owners of 3 dogs. The past year and a half have been filled with licks and laughs and lots of love. Oh yeah, and barks! Max has one big bark.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Max, Mitzi, and Chloe), aka Carol

P.S. Here's Max looking at the camera.

P.P.S. Just a year ago I posted a photo of all three of them.

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