Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Indalo man

We've had three days away in Mojacar, a seaside town on the Costa Calida, weather was awful, gale force winds, but thankfully no rain. I think seaside towns are awful out of season, no atmosphere. Anyway, Indalo man. The hotel was aptly named Hotel Indalo, and this window was on the 3rd floor overlooking the main entrance. Indalo man is the symbol of Mojacar. The symbol first appeared in prehistoric times and has been used since then as a symbol that brings good luck and protection from the evil eye. It represents an authentic totem between history and legend, magic and prehistory.

Mojacar dates back to 2000 B.C., it was part of the Argarian culture. It has seen the arrival of Phoenician and Greek mediterranean settlers, Romans settled in Mojacar in the 3rd Century BC. During the 5th Century BC the Barbarians invaded, then in the 8th Century the Muslims took over. They established themselves until 1488 then the Christians took over.

Every year there is a re-enactment of the battle between the Moors and the Christians, this battle takes place in towns and villages throughout Spain. Live ammunition is used and the firework displays are a sight to behold, no health and safety here!! Then after the parades on the Saturday night everyone goes to the beer tents and parties until about 5am the next day.

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