Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Contemporary Dance Celebration

"I think the important thing now is to have a celebration and then with determination move into our common, shared, different future."
Michael D. Higgins

Morning. Late this morning. We had a lie in! It was a clever move - barking. It got me into the den at night time and then I may or may not have snuck onto the bed (and snuck off too). It's smart up there. They have carpet. And all the luxuries. A duvet! Boy did I have a good old time.

Obviously I had to go and investigate Moomin cat's food - it's very good. But I got up nice and sensible, no shouting. Nothing to shout about - I knew exactly where my people were. Right next to me.

Bushed today though. It's exhausting sleeping in a new place - so much to sniff and investigate. And funnily enough aprecious started putting things up high. I think litter bins always look good on top of furniture. Made her tidy up anyway. Not before time, if you ask me.

Anyway, she had me jumping up and down outside - at 7:00 o'clock in the morning! For goodness sake - what's this, a new fitness regime? She even had a go at doing it herself. Think I'm a bit more elegant than her though. Goodness. Wondered what had happened when she hit the deck. Has there been a small earthquake in Venezuela I thought? Oh no. It's just aprecious jumping up and down on the spot.

Takes all sorts I suppose.

The sharp-eyed among you will notice this has a person on it. Oh yes, it's me. The even more sharp-eyed among you will notice the t-shirt which says, 'Allow me to interpret through Contemporary Dance.' So I give you - blipday contemporary dance celebration. Thank you cathintheattic for getting me to participate. It is muchly enriching and we are very appreciative of all the lovely comments, thoughts and encouragement we receive. Thank you :)
Edit at 11:15am - I was on my way to swimming if you're wondering why I am wearing such a snappy outfit!

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