Come into the Garden

By aprecious

I am Your Official Guide

"Right, I'm your official guide. Before we begin I'd like to fill you in on a few details as we like to call them..."
Victoria Wood (Gratuitous link to Bronte Monologue)
(This is for Robert Howell)

aprecious has been very zippy this morning (in the sense of full of beans rather than 'Rainbow'). So at 7:30am we went striding up a hill - and there were sheep. Many, many sheep. And you know what that means, right? Sheep poo! And sheep wool which I also like to chew (am I a bit weird?) and a sheep's horn too - I carried that for a time but sheep's horns are a bit, well, uninteresting. Talking of sheep's horns we did encounter 3 mahoosive sheeps on the way down the hill with the biggest horns I have ever seen in my 7 months on the planet. I gave them a careful steer. You don't want a sheep's horn anywhere near your bottom first things in a morning.

And it was bright sunshine. Like summer but now the cloud is coming over. Big time, Charlie. So I think I'll have a lie down. After I've mithered Morris, and run about with my bone and eaten the scrubbing brush. And after five minutes charging about with the inside of my bed. And if aprecious isn't looking I'll scoot off with the paint brushes from under the sink. And...

Good morning one and all. We are early this morning because I thought it would make a pleasant change to get to work on time. And Maud, now she is no longer barking the house down in the morning, appears to have even more energy than normal.
Overwhelmed by the response yesterday - thank you so very much. We are still basking. A lot.
Thought I'd go for a nice sedate image today - this is literally five minutes round the corner at the beginning of our sheepy walk. I took 50 photos - this was the first. This shot is typical of Rossendale. Bits of rubbish and broken fence as well as striking countryside. That's what you get living in an industrial/post-industrial part of Lancashire. And I love it.

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