Galop - really
Usual busy Wednesday. Slightly odd moment on my way to Katherine's French lesson: saw a beautiful flower meadow with gorgeous blue flowers. Not so odd, I suppose, but when I went back later to take a photo of the flowers... they'd gone. Not mowed or cut down or anything... just vanished. Strange.
Remarkably efficient shopping, followed by rapid quiche making (slightly panicky as one version had to be made dairy free - so with marg instead of butter and soya cream instead of cream) and a long, very hot, lunch. I think we are now at the stage of needing shade quite urgently on the terrace if outdoor lunches are to continue.
Mum came with me for Conor's football and, instead of baking on the touchline we headed off for some light shopping. A trip to the shop run by a British couple resulted in a possible business opportunity, on which I will probably need some advice... They are moving to larger premises and opening a tea-shop, so I offered to be one of their cake suppliers. Of course this means coming up with prices... So anyone got any idea how much I should charge for a cake that has eight portions? Sixteen portions? Do I just add up the ingredients and electricity for the cooker and then put a margin on to cover my time and some proper profit? Haven't a clue really. Hmmm, if only I had a proper business advisor in the house... *
Later it was time for riding for Katherine, and her first ever 'galop' (canter) on a big horse. Here's the lower end of the action. She was really super-brave, poised and didn't fall off at all. Another in a series of wee proud moments. (I had to try really hard not to scream and clap - and restrained myself to a subdued thumbs up across the manege.)
Mam and Dad's last night here. I think the last few days of scorching sunshine have made Dad quite fond of the place, so hopefully we'll see them back here before too long.
*I do. With FMCG experience.
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