A cloudy morning was perfect for a vide grenier trip to show my folks how French people get rid of their junk. The kids excelled themselves in tat purchasing and I bought a stack of books (in French) that I am currently pretending to myself that I will read.
The afternoon brought sunshine, so we were all in the garden - my Mam digging a potato/green bean plot for me, and me planting coriander and trying to ignore the geraniums glowering at me from the step. The geraniums are from the school plant tombola where I somehow managed to win three of the ten prizes on offer - and all three of the geraniums available. And they are the only flower that I don't like. I think it's the smell of the leaves.
Later a slightly too hot curry (my fault) and a redeeming apple pie. Now we are settling down to a rented movie. Last night's entertainment was 'The Odd Couple', chosen by my Dad and probably already seen by him 500 times. I think it was on the VCR every week throughout my teenage years... Tonight's entertainment is a new one on me, so I'm off to watch it. And these gazanias are off to bed.
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