... now that's not something you see every day.
Well, maybe it is. But it's something I've not seen for a while. I woke at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. This is not like me. I'm a good sleeper, as anyone who had the misfortune to share a house with me at college may remember. I lay there imagining the worst that could happen with the kids' first day at school "oh no, what have we done to them" etc. But reading some kind supportive comments on yesterday's blip reassured me enough that I was able to grab another half hour's sleep, and when I eventually gave up on more sleep, this was the sight out of the kitchen door.
Anyway, you don't want to hear about my sleep habits ... the kids, as you all knew, were fine. There was a last minute wobble when Mr B wasn't happy with any of Katherine's clothes (I was as bemused by the sudden interest as you probably are), but we eventually got to school on time. Conor waltzed in quite happily while Katherine clung nervously to me right up to the school door.
Mr B and I had a nerve-wracking day worrying about all the things that could go wrong, but in the end they both skipped out quite happily, having made lots of friends though not obviously having learned any French. A fabulous duck and chips dinner, calls to grandparents ... and relax.
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