Some Days

By Euphemist


I took the Euphling and his friend Matthew fishing at the local trout pond.

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Matt caught the first fish by cunningly tangling his line around some sedge, leaving the float out but the bait dangling just in the water! Too hard to resist for the stickleback which sunk its teeth into the maggot and refused to let go.

Big signs everywhere saying no catch and release were ignored as we gently placed him back unharmed into the water.

Then Euphling went across to the office block for a wee and coming back told us about his (rather uneventful ) journey!

Over his shoulder I saw his float bobbing up and down, doing fast zig-zags. and describing tight circles.

"Fraser," I said, "I think you may have a bite!"

It was a beautiful 1 3/4 pound rainbow trout.

Which we took home for tea.

Experienced fisherman Euphling (11, sitting) helping slightly sqeamish Matt (12,not) put maggots on his hook.

(I caught nothing!)

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