There's Cat!

2years 196days

This morning, the first thing Katie wanted to do was have a bath. Which she insisted should be with Mummy. She ran to the bathroom, shedding her jammies and turned the cold tap on (she cant reach the hot, dont worry!) When we got in the bath, she did her "I'm so excited I cant quite contain it" wiggle and flap before shrieking "together, Mummy and Katie are together, eeee". She loved that her towel had been warmed and she could curl by the radiator afterwards to sing to me.

We set off walking to the bus, Katie in the icecreams. The bus sailed on past us. So we carried on walking. We saw the next bus as we were on a "hail to catch" stretch of country road, but he sailed on past too. By this point, Katie had said hello to the sheep and cows and decided to go to sleep. I rather loved the big snuggly sleepy cuddles. She woke as we were approaching nursery. Her first words were "Katie and Monkey go to preschool. Not toddlers, just preschool". Despite this, she was quite alright about being taken into the toddler room. Hopefully they'll give her another session in preschool today as she loved it so much.

Today is a "big sizes of her smaller things". The dress is a bigger version of one she had this time last year, and the shoes are bigger of identical to her very first shoes.

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