The journey continues...

By Lbell

My girlies <3

Today was not fun waking up early after a late night. I didn't feel too fresh and had to grab 2 bags of water on the way to school in the morning to help. Being hungover isn't good in the first place never mind with a class of young kids going crazy. I felt like death until the break when I got out into the fresh air. The break was nice and long today which helped and the second part of the class passed much more quickly.

For some reason Rafael was running around with a little bird in a tub. I've no idea where it came from but it didn't really surprise me at all. The relationships between South Americans and animals/pets can be a little cruel. Oscar sent the kids away to release the bird or give it to some lady who apparently wanted one and next thing the they're running back up the hill with a lady not far behind who told me to keep them under control, oh dear. One of the other kids also started hysterically crying apparently because the bird was a present from his granda. He had to be sent home as he was disrupting the class so much!

Everyone went for lunch afterwards before the meeting and I headed back to the hostel to go for a much needed sleep. The rest of the day was pretty chilled. In the evening I began packing away my stuff in preparation for leaving this weekend. Around 8pm the Canadian guys had started a game of flip cup, obviously. By the time I had finished packing Lee had already left to go out and everyone was pretty drunk. However I still was convinced to play a few games. Although I was adamant I wasn't heading out, since I was working the following day, everyone managed to convince me into doing this also.

We headed to Taganga, a nearby fishing village, and having heard many negative remarks about it I was slightly surprised by how pretty I thought it looked at night. We went to a club right at the water's edge and I ended up having a really great night. The boys were hilarious dancing and trying to compete against the much better Colombians in the club. The music was what I enjoyed the most and found myself singing a lot more than dancing. The club closed at 1am and instead of going to the afterparty I found myself on the beach. After us all planning on having an earlyish sort of night we didn't end up getting to bed until 5 in the morning, giving me just over an hour's sleep...eek

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